Manager Views – Febrero 2020

17 Mar 2020

Adjuntamos algunos informes de análisis y opiniones de nuestros gestores que consideramos de gran interés.

Please find below interesting market views from our Managers. We hope you find them interesting.

Charting High Yield’s Current State

In this Weekly Briefing we offer a visual display of trends in the high yield market that we believe are most pertinent in evaluating where we are and where we may go from here…

Carta ínterin a los inversores

Más allá de nuestras dos misivas anuales y las actualizaciones mensuales de la cartera, no solemos compartir por escrito con nuestros inversores nuestra visión de los mercados, ya que creemos que siempre están bien informados en todo momento de lo que hacemos. Sin embargo, dadas las bruscas caídas recientes tanto de los precios de los activos en general …

Emerging Opportunities in Shares

The emerging Coronavirus crisis is a disheartening human tragedy. Thankfully many governments are beginning to respond vigorously, launching healthcare initiatives in addition to monetary and fiscal efforts to blunt the virus’ economic disruptions …

Flash Japan: The Outbreak of COVID-19

The outbreak of COVID-19 has been grabbing all the recent headlines. Outside of China, the epicenter of this novel coronavirus, Japan may have been put under high scrutiny following the imposed quarantine on the cruise ship “Diamond Princess” which travelled to Hong Kong, Vietnam and Taiwan before docking back in Yokohama – Japan …

The Plumbing was bad and we have sprung a leak

The crisis in which we currently find ourselves is very different to that of 2008. Both the structure of the credit markets, or the plumbing as we like to call it, and the incentives of corporate CEOs issuing debt into those credit markets are very different, and not in a good way…

COVID_19 – Implications & Market Outlook

With fears over the Corona Virus having firmly taken hold, click below for Rubrics’ take on the developing situation as well as our view on the longer term fallout from a market, economic and political standpoint…




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