BrightGate Capital SGIIC

Client Protection Regulations

BRIGHTGATE CAPITAL SGIIC, in agreement with the order ECO/734/2004 of the 11th March, regarding customer services and the protection of clients of financial institutions, provides the internal Regulations for the presentation, processing and resolution of complaints and claims from our clients.

Brightgate Capital SGIIC is located on Calle Génova 11, 4º Izda, 28004 Madrid. After the presentation of a complaint or claim, the client services department has a two-month window to deal with and resolve that issue.

Once that window is over, complaints can be made to the Claims Services of the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (affiliated to the Investors Department of the CNMV), located on Calle Edison, 4, 28006 Madrid. You can find more information on the website or via e-mail informació

Other Legal Documents

Sustainable Finance Disclosure

The Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on Sustainable Finance Disclosures requires the Managing Company to make certain disclosures on its website, including information about the Managing Company’s policies on the integration of sustainability risks into its process of investment decision-making; its approach to adverse sustainability impacts; and the coherence of its remuneration policies with the integration of sustainability risks.

The objective is to provide end-investors with information on the integration of sustainability risks carried out by companies.


Customer Service

Francisco Javier Castilla González
Phone: +34 91 441 00 11
Fax: +34 91 434 77 94

BrightGate Capital SGIIC

C/ Génova, 11 4º Izda.
28004, Madrid. España.
Teléfono: +34 91 441 00 11
Fax: +34 91 434 77 94

BrightGate Advisory EAF

Customer Service

Victoria Nombella Rollón
Phone: +34 91 432 2670

BrightGate Advisory EAF

C/ Génova, 11 4º Izda.
28004, Madrid. España.
Phone: +34 91 001 11 85
Fax: +34 91 434 77 94

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Regulated Entity

CNMVBrightGate Capital SGIIC and BrightGate Advisory EAFI are entities registered and supervised by the National Commission for the securities market (CNMV)..


Contact us

You can contact us through our contact form and email (

C/ Génova, 11 4º Izda.
28004, Madrid. Spain.
Phone: +34 91 441 00 11