Aviso Legal
This webpage is the property of Brightgate Capital SGIIC SA with the VAT identification number (NIF): A85543239 and address of Calle Génova 11, 4º, 28004 Madrid and registered in the ‘Registro de Gestoras de Instituciones de Inversión Colectiva’ of the ‘Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores’ (“CNMV”) with the number 226. For any query or proposal, contact us at protecciondedatos@brightgatecapital.com
This webpage is regulated exclusively by regulations applicable in Spain, with both Spanish nationals and foreigners using this website subject to them. User access to our webpage is free and is under the condition of prior reading and full unreserved acceptance of general conditions of use in force at the time of access, which we request that you read thoroughly. At the time of access to our website, its contents or services, the user accepts and is subject specifically to its general conditions of use. If the user does not agree with these conditions of use, they must abstain from using and operating through this website.
At any moment, we are entitled to change the presentation and configuration of our website, increase or reduce services, including deleting it, as well as the services and content on offer, from the Internet, unilaterally without prior warning.
All content, text, images, trademarks and source codes are either our property or property of a third party where exploitation rights have been granted and are protected by the Intellectual and Industrial property laws. The user is entitled to only private use of these, not for profit, and needs explicit authorization to change them, reproduce them, exploit them, distribute them or exercise any right belonging to their owner.
Access to our webpage is free and does not require any previous subscription or registration.
The delivery of personal data implies explicit acceptance of the USER of our privacy policy.
The user must access our webpage conforming to good faith, to the rules of public order and to the General Use Conditions outlined here. Access to our website is carried out exclusively under the user’s responsibility, who will be accountable in any case of damage and harm that they may cause to third parties or ourselves.
Keeping in mind the impossibility of controlling information, content and services that other webpages contain that may be accessed through links that are website may make available, we inform you that we are exempt from any responsibility for damage of any kind that may arise from using these webpages, unaffiliated to our company, on the user’s part.
Confidentiality and security are fundamental values of Brightgate Capital SGIIC SA and, consequently, we are committed to always guaranteeing user privacy and not gathering unnecessary information. Furthermore, we provide you with all the necessary information regarding our privacy policy in relation to personal data that we collect, explaining to you:
- Who is responsible for the processing of your data
- For what purpose we collect the data that we request
- What is the legitimization for its processing
- For how long we will keep them
- With whom your data is communicated
- What are your rights and how to exercise them
PERSON RESPONSIBLE: see information above.
PURPOSES, LEGITIMIZATION and CONSERVATION of the processing of data sent through:
Contact form.
- Purpose: To provide a way of getting in touch with as and responding to your requests for information, as well as to send you communications of our products, services and activities, including digitally (e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp), if you tick the consent box.
- Legitimization: User consent upon requesting information through our contact form and upon ticking the consent box for sending information.
- Conservation: Once the request has been resolved through our form or answered via e-mail, if you have not raised a new issue, and in case you have accepted to receive commercial information, until you request to stop receiving them.
Sending e-mails
- Purpose: To answer your information requests, take care of your requests and respond to your enquiries or doubts. In the case of receiving your Curriculum Vitae, your personal and educational data may form part of our database to be used in our current and future selection processes.
- Legitimization: User consent upon requesting information through our e-mail address or sending us your data and CV to participate in our selection process.
- Conservation: Once your email request has been answered, if you have not requested anything else. In the case of receiving your CV, your data may be kept for a maximum of one year for future selection processes.
Newsletter subscription
- Purpose: Sending you commercial information regarding our activites and services, by electronic means.
- Legitimization: User consent on subscribing on sending information through our formula.
- Conservation: Until you request to end the subscription or until you are no longer a client.
Obligation of providing personal data and consequences of not doing so
The supply of personal data requires a minimum age of 14 years, or in your case, being legally able to be employed.
The personal data requested are necessary to manage your requests, register you as a user and/or provide you with the services that you can contract, so, if you do not provide them, we may not be able to help you correctly or provide you with the service that you have requested.
In any case, we reserve the right to decide whether to incorporate your personal data and other information into our database.
Your data are confidential and will not be given to third parties, unless there is a legal obligation.
Any person can retract their consent at any given moment, when they have given consent for the use of their data. In no case is the withdrawal conditional on the execution of the subscription contract or connections created before. Additionally, you may exercise the following rights:
- To request access to personal data or rectification when they are incorrect.
- To request their deletion when, amongst other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purpose that they were collected for.
- To request the limitation of their processing in specific circumstances
- To oppose the processing of your data for reasons related to your situation
- To request the portability of data in cases provided for in the regulations
- Other rights recognized in the applicable regulations.
- Where and how to request your rights:
Through a written letter addressed to the person responsible at their e-mail or post address (indicated in part A), indicating the reference “Personal Data”, specifying the right that they wish to exercise and with respect to which personal data.
In case of difference of opinion with the company regarding the processing of your data, you can make a claim to the Data Protection Agency (www.agpd.es)
With the objective of protecting the security of your personal data, we inform you that we have taken all the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security of your personal data supplied from their alteration, loss and unauthorized processing or access.
It is important that we are able to maintain your personal data updated, that you always inform us that there has been any modification to them, and if not, we do not vouch for the truthfulness of those data.
We are not responsible for the privacy policy with regard to personal data that may be provided to third parties through links available on our webpage.
The Privacy Policy outlined here can be modified to be adapted to changes that are made to our website, as well as legislative or jurisprudential modifications regarding personal data that arise, for that reason your reading is required every time you provide us with data through this website.
By making this website available to users, we want to offer a high quality service, using maximum diligence in the provision of that service, as well as in the technological means used. Nevertheless, we will not be accountable for the presence of any virus or other elements that may harm in any way the computer system of the user.
We do not guarantee that the availability of the service will be continuous and uninterrupted.
THE USER is prohibited from any type of action on our website that causes an excessive overload of operation to our computer sytems, as well as the introduction of a virus, the installation of robots or software that alters the normal functioning of our website or may ultimately harm our IT systems.
THE USER assumes full responsibility deriving from the use of our webpage.
THE USER recognizes that they have understood all the information regarding the terms of use of our website and recognizes that they are sufficient for the exclusion of error in them, and therefore, accepts them entirely and explicitly.